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Survitec Seacrewsader Lifejacket 275N SOLAS 自動充氣式救生衣

The Seacrewsader 2010 275N Twin Chamber is designed to meet the SOLAS 2010 regulations according to MSC 81(70) as amended by MSC 200(80) and MSC 207(81). However the jacket outperforms this requirement, providing increased performance in the most demanding working environments.

We have improved the body angle, mouth freeboard and face plane angles to ensure you are even safer at sea.We have also added a new, unique inflation chamber that improves turn times while providing unrivalled comfort and support. Each chamber is fitted with two 60g CO2 cylinders, activated by UML MK5i standard automatic firing mechanisms, and a 3.5 psi relief valve to ensure full buoyancy during single or double chamber inflation.

The Seacrewsader 2010 275N Twin Chamber is designed for extreme working environments and is also suitable for abandonment purposes. The high buoyancy level provides added protection when heavy work gear and clothing is worn. The new, more compact cover is constructed from a robust fabric to withstand the most arduous conditions without damage to the lifejacket and internal bladders.Alternatively there is a fire resistant version available. Crotch straps come fitted as standard.

The lifejacket is both easy to don and comfortable. It is a universal adult size suitable from a minimum weight of 43kg and will fit a maximum chest size of 1750mm.


  • Twin chamber 275N MSC 200 (80)/ SOLAS approved lifejacket
  • Suitable for use with most Immersion and abandonment suits, subject to compatibility testing
  • Uses 2 x 60g cylinders on symmetrical inflation chambers
  • Fall arrest and deck harness options



 Seacrewsader 2010 275N Twin Chamber 的設計符合 SOLAS 2010 規定 [依循MSC 200(80) 和 MSC 207(81) 修訂的 MSC 81(70) ]。而且其性能超過了其要求,在最苛刻的工作環境中也能提供更高的性能。

我們還增加了一個新的、獨特的充氣室,提供無與倫比的舒適度和支撐力。每個充氣室都配有兩個 60 克 CO2 氣瓶,由 UML MK5i 標準自動啟動裝置和 3.5 磅/平方英寸泄壓閥啟動,以確保在單個或雙個充氣室充氣時獲得充分浮力。

Seacrewsader 2010 275N 雙腔式救生艙專為極端工作環境設計,也適用於棄船急難情境。當穿著厚重的工作裝備和服裝時,高浮力水準可提供額外的保護。新型、更緊湊的外罩由堅固的織物製成,可承受最惡劣的條件,並保護救生衣和內部氣囊。襠帶為標準配置。

救生衣穿著方便舒適。救生衣為成人通用尺寸,適合體重不低於 43 kg、胸圍不超過 175cm的人穿著。

Survitec Marine-Safe 全系列產品:

Survitec Seacrewsader Lifejacket 275N SOLAS 自動充氣式救生衣

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林索專業雨衣  Lyngsøe Rainwear Taiwan 

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